On August 24-25, 2020, the State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality in Education in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, organized a webinar named “Participation in international research as a motivating factor for human capital development.”
Uzbekistan is starting participation at international education quality assessment research, so experience sharing with countries that constantly improve their ratings in international programs such as PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS, TALIS is crucial for the country. The webinar was organized as part of World Bank’s Russia Education Aid for Development (READ) program. During the event specialists and experts from various Russian education institutions shared their experience of participation and preparation to international comparative research with colleagues in Uzbekistan.
The two-day webinar provided valuable inputs on the factors of assessment and development of reading, mathematics and science literacy as well as students’ creativity and text comprehension level; changing approaches in the education system presented by experienced international experts.
The event was held in Uzbek and Russian languages and was attended by over 1000 education professionals, including school directors and teachers. The information presented at the webinar will serve as an important factor in building a strong understanding of today’s requirements for the education system in the XXI century among the participants, preparing them for the international PIRLS and PISA studies that will be conducted in 2021-2022.