The Europe and Central Asia Comparative Education Society is open for all to join. Information on how to join and membership fees is available on the “Membership” page of the website.

The supreme governing body of the Society is the General Meeting of its members, which is held annually during the ECA-CES conference events. Every member of the Society has a right to vote on essential strategical issues of the Society. The general Meeting votes on the selection of the members of the General Committee.

General Committee

The General Committee consists of 5 members that represent a country or a cluster of countries. The General Committee is responsible for strategical decisions, Society’s policy coherence and other important issues.

General Commitee members since July 1, 2020:

Alexei Kalinin

Baktygul Shamshidinova

Arsen Bagdasaryan

Savzali Dzhafarov

Liubov Lapenko

Khabib Kushiev

Executive Secretary

Day-by-day activities of the Society are managed by the Executive Secretary who is appointed by the General Meeting. Executive Secretary is also in charge of communications between managing bodies.

Executive Secretary:

Alexei Kalinin