
Europe and Central Asia Comparative Education Society brings together educational specialists of all professional levels from Central Asia and Eastern Europe to form and strengthen the professional community, to create a cumulative effect from the implementation of joint projects.

ECA-CES supports researchers and educators in overcoming methodological (access to data collection) needs, building cooperation with colleagues and research results dissemination. It encourages activities aimed at wider use of research data in policymaking. The Society serves as a platform for increasing the production and use of research data and evidence in education policy and its’ further implementation.

The range of Society’s members includes individuals (researchers, students, analysts, academia and so on) and teams from the diversity of educational and academic organizations and also from educational authorities (regional and state). Some organizations can become member of the ECA-CES as an individual person.


ECA-CES support achievement of the 4th Sustainable Development Goal in the region. Its’ activities are focused precisely on targets of the Fourth Goal such as 4.1 (through accelerating, promoting and stimulating production of more scientific data in educational assessment, including research conducting, tools development, methodology transfer, effective knowledge exchange, teacher training and providing policymaking with rigorous data) and 4.B (through working with foundations and development aid agencies and providing researchers with opportunity to conduct researches that they have planned).

Europe and Central Asia Comparative Education Society aims at:

  • Provision of methodological support to its members
  • Strengthen regional partnership
  • Stimulate knowledge and technology exchange
  • Inform policymakers through provision of rigorous research data.


 ECA-CES supports following types of activities: annual meetings (once or twice a year at the global conferences or as standalone events in one of the participating countries), maintaining the educational and communicational platform, provides support in writing and publishing of the scientific research papers, provides support in receiving grants and scholarships including research grants and travel grants, networking, promotes internships in partner organizations, serves as a focal point for young researchers who look for an advice at career start.  The Society is planning to launch research call for women and young researchers in order to stimulate and encourage these two groups of specialists that historically have less opportunities for self-promotion and lower access to resources.

Capacity building

ECA-CES facilitates capacity building in the sphere of education quality assessment in the countries of Europe and Central Asia region. ECA-CES provides young specialists and experts of the region with opportunities of life-long learning. It helps researchers to enter global expert community and be aware of the international educational agenda and initiatives. ECA-CES activities help members by navigating them in the field of international approaches to education reforming and building career trajectory. ECA-CES applies different tools for capacity building, including following:

  • Database of organizations and platforms that provide learning and training opportunities such as online short-term courses and further in-profession training in specific topics related to research in education
  • Collecting, storing and distributing information on grant opportunities for researchers, including research calls, grant competitions, travel grants and other similar initiatives where researcher can receive financial support for the work.