Better Teaching for Quality Learning Project (BTQLP) is launched to facilitate the achievement of SDG4 and SDG17 in the region and specifically targets 4.1, 4c, 17.16, 17.17, 17.18, 17.19. Besides that the project is aimed at expert capacity building and technology transfer in the field of education quality assessment.
Project overview
Europe and Central Asia Comparative Education Society (ECA-CES) launched the Better Teaching for Quality Learning Project (BTQLP) to help countries of the Central Asia to improve teaching in primary schools, as countries of this region often face shortages in qualified school staff. The project includes conducting research for assessment of different practices, analysis and determination of those that demonstrate better learning outcomes and distribution of these practices in similar learning environments through short-term courses for teachers and published materials.
BTQLP was designed by the members of the ECA-CES thematic group “Teaching methods”, that consists of educators from Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan (12 members all together). Together they work on gathering information on what matters in teaching the most and how to improve teaching to receive better learning outcomes. The project also includes cooperation with organizations in countries that help data collection such as schools, local educational authorities and media agencies and organizations that responsible for further in-profession teacher training.
The methodology of the project includes assessment of teaching practices in schools where the educational results are the highest (data from schools is received through national or international comparative education research), studying and analysis of the teaching practices from that school, their generalization, description and further distribution among teachers through in-profession training. For assessment of the teaching practices several tools were developed: Tool for Diagnosing Teaching Practices and Teacher Education in cognitive Non-regular Areas of Mathematics. The thematic group conducts research in determined schools with the use of these tools. The results of these researches were then processed, and the outcome is a set of teaching practices demonstrated the highest results.
Results and technology dissemination
The technology transfer from countries that demonstrate bigger advantage in education is a fundamental basis of the project. The need for obtaining new teaching approaches an essential part for the developing and low-income countries in their search for the better development strategy for education. It hence seems reasonable for these countries that have limited access for teacher education and limited investment capacity, to explore and adopt technology transfer from partners. Technology transfer from out of the country often comes up against an unflattering situation. In case of this project those possible interference eliminated by the long history of cooperation, partnership, economical and cultural ties between countries.