Kyrgyzstan students will start the new school year on distance learning

The republican Mininstry of Education has made this decision concerning the situation with COVID-19 outbreak. During at least 1st quarter students of schools and colleges will stay on distance learning.

The deputy minister Nadira Dzhusupbekova told that “in order to ensure sustainable learning process a task team, including school guidance counsellors, teachers, experts is developing video content and started shooting of TV-lessons for preschool and school levels of education for the entire upcoming academic year. During the schoolyear, based on thorough analysis of the situation, several variants of overcoming the schooling crisis will be worked out, which will address both the age pecularities of children, students of graduating classes (grades 9, 11), and, first of all, safety of students and teachers.”

Kyrgyzstan students will start the new school year on distance learning