december, 2020

17decAll DayVirtual seminar new version of Student Achievement Monitoring for in-classroom assessment in Science development


Event Details

ECA-CES experts examine the latest available developments in the field of education quality assessment and education management. Cooperating with leading research teams, ECA-CES provides opportunities to try new assessment methodologies by carrying out a full cycle of work on creating and piloting. This includes researching and examining ideas, financing, examining the implementation of developing tools, promotion in international space, evaluating the effectiveness of using the developed tools and their implementation into educational systems in partner countries.

On December 17th the groups of developers working on creation of new version of SAM tool presented a new version of the tool that can be used for assessment of the educational results in physics. It was a results of a work on investigation the possibility of using SAM in other subject areas of the school curriculum. Based on SAM taxonomy and in the framework of the theory of cultural development of Lev Vygotsky a fundamentally new package of analytical tools was developed addressed directly at the teacher who is building a pedagogical strategy with a focus on elements of the methods of developmental education.

Virtual seminar was attended by colleagues from Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.


All Day (Thursday)

